Hi Everyone! :)
A couple days ago my two packages came! I received a sexed pair of Mastigoproctus giganteus and another Phloeodes diabolicus from Peter Clausen of BugsInCyberspace.com, and 150+ Nauphoeta cinerea from Kyle Kandilian of RoachCrossing.com. Both boxes were very well packed and all insects arrived alive and in great condition! I was most surprised that the vinegaroons were in absolute perfect condition( not even a single tarsal claw was missing)being wild-caught adults, and that there wasn't even one die-off out of the 150+ Nauphoeta cinerea that Kyle shipped to me. A big thanks to Kyle for the large overcount on the N.cinerea, I only ordered 100 but as I said he gave me easily 150+!
Here's some pictures of the invertebrates I'm most excited to now own!
Adult Female M.giganteus |
Close-up of Adult Female M.giganteus face and pedipalps |
Holding Adult Female M.giganteus |
Adult male M.giganteus |
Close-up of adult male M.giganteus face, pedipalps, and chelicerae |
Holding adult male M.giganteus |
These guys are amazing! They are by FAR the largest and most bizarre arachnids that I have ever kept! Their antenniform legs appear to be a maroon color, and their pedipalps, legs, and flagellum are covered in small, thick maroon hairs. So far they have both eaten four N.cinerea and have fattened up a little. I am keeping them in large, plastic Sterilite containers right now, but plan on setting them up in a little bit smaller yet deeper container so I can get in the six inches of substrate that is recommended for these. I am using a mix of fine-grained quartz sand, larger-grained sand( the sand that I use for the rest of my inverts that like sand in their substrate) , and coconut fiber for the male, and am using the same substrate mix minus the fine-grained quartz sand for the female( but will add some soon.) I also have a half-log hide in each of their enclosures. I am going to try and get some potting soil to add to their substrate to support their burrows. They are trying to burrow already but obviously can't until I transfer them into deeper containers.
Here's a picture of how their containers are setup( I only got a picture of the male's container since they are both setup the same.)
M.giganteus enclosure |
Secondly, here's some pictures of my new Phloeodes diabolicus!
P.diabolicus |
Peter was very nice and offered to send me his largest beetle to maximize the chances of it being a female. So keeping my fingers crossed that this one is a female, and that it will hopefully breed with the males I have in there.
Thirdly, here's some pictures of my new Nauphoeta cinerea!
N.cinerea |
Adult N.cinerea |
As you can tell, there's a ton of them! I got them to serve as the feeders for my new giant vinegaroons, but they are great for my other predatory insects as well. They are very soft as Kyle notes on their species page, the smaller nymphs seem to like hiding under the substrate, and the adults are fun to handle as they like to glide downwards off of your hand and into the container.
I have them housed in the container I used to keep my E.lixa in, I have the holes on the sides taped, I rubbed a layer of petroleum jelly around the top of the container to prevent them from running out when I open up the container, and I have a couple ventilation holes in the lid. I am using a mix of coconut fiber, dead leaves, and a little hardwood mulch as the substrate. These guys seem to really love eating the dead leaves in the substrate, and chowed down as soon as I dropped them in the container! I also have a couple pieces of egg-crate in there for them to hide under.
Here's a picture of the inside of their enclosure!
N.cinerea enclosure |
Hope you guys enjoyed this post and all the pictures I include in it and I hope to see you all next time, goodbye!
I really like the format of your blog posts. Lots of great photos and information about the new animals.
ReplyDeleteThanks Peter, adding photos to my posts are one of my favorite parts of creating them. :)
DeleteNice, really like your pictures of the Vinegaroons! Hope they do well for you, we need more people try to breed these in captivity! Really hope that Phloeodes diabolicus is a female, would be awesome if you could breed them!
ReplyDeleteThanks :) They are probably some of the best photos I have gotten of my inverts, I would say only behind the pictures of my E.decipiens and A.verrucosus. Thanks again! I am confident that I can breed the M.giganteus, seems like a long process but an accomplishable one. I also really hope that it ends up being a female!