Hiya Folks!
We're now more than halfway through the photo series! It's been a fun ride so far, but the trip isn't over yet! Now, I present to you, my beetle post! Sit back, relax, and enjoy! ;)
Asbolus laevis(Smooth Death Feigning Beetle)
A.laevis |
Close-up of the head and compound eyes of an A.laevis |
Asbolus verrucosus(Blue Death Feigning Beetle)
A.verrucosus |
Close-up of the head, compound eyes, and antennae |
Close-up of the elytra of an A.verrucosus |
Chlaenius tricolor(Tricolored Ground Beetle)
C.tricolor |
Close-up of the elytra of a C.tricolor |
Close-up of the pronotum of a C.tricolor |
Cryptoglossa variolosa(Black Death Feigning Beetle)
C.variolosa |
Close-up of the pronotum of a C.variolosa |
Close-up of the head, compound eyes, and antennae of a C.variolosa
Dicaelus elongatus(Notched-Mouth Ground Beetle)
D.elongatus |
Close-up of the elytra of a D.elongatus |
Close-up of the pronotum of a D.elongatus |
Close-up of the head, compound eyes, and mandibles of a D.elongatus |
Eleodes acuticaudus(Darkling Beetle)
E.acuticaudus |
Close-up of the head, compund eyes, pronotum, and antennae of an E.acuticaudus |
Close-up of the tarsus and tarsal claws of an E.acuticaudus |
Eleodes armatus(Armored Darkling Beetle)
Femlale E.armatus |
Close-up of the pronotum, head, compound eyes, and antennae of a female E.armatus |
Close-up of a spike on the femur of a female E.armatus |
Eleodes dentipes(Dentate Stink Beetle)
E.dentipes |
Close-up of the elytra of an E.dentipes |
Close-up of the head, compound eyes, and antennae of an E.dentipes |
Eleodes tribulus(Fuzzy Darkling Beetle)
Male E.tribulus |
Close-up of the head, compound eyes, and antennae of an E.tribulus |
Close-up of the elytra of a male E.tribulus |
Meracantha contracta(Darkling Beetle)
M.contracta larvae |
Close-up of the last abdominal segment of an M.contracta larva |
Close-up of the head of an M.contracta larva |
Phloedes diabolicus(Diabolical Ironclad Beetle)
P.diabolicus |
Close-up of the pronotum of a P.diabolicus |
Pterostichus permundus(Woodland Ground Beetle)
P.permundus |
Close-up of the elytra of a P.permundus |
Close-up of the eyes of a P.permundus |
Tenebrio molitor(Mealworm Beetle)
T.molitor |
Close-up of the legs, claws, head, mesothorax, metathorax, ocellus, and antennae of a T.molitor larva |
Close-up of the spine on the last abdominal segment of a T.molitor larva |
One important note that I have from this post is that about a day after I took the pics of the P.diabolicus, the one that was likely female(the one that was in most of the pics)sadly died. I'm not sure what the cause of its death was, but one thing I know is that my hopes of possibly breeding this species are now gone. Despite the bad diabolical ironclad news, I hope you guys still enjoyed this post!
Coming up next is the last post in my photo series, it will be on the invertebrates that don't fit into any of the groups that I have posted about so far. It is also the post that I'm most excited to share with you guys out of any series(Certainly got the best pics for this one!)
Good bye and stay tuned for the next post, you definitely won't want to miss it! :)
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