Merry Christmas everybody! :)
I know I'm a bit late, but posts like the one I'm making here require some time. ;) The past few days have been very eventful, arthropod wise. I've received some new, awesome bugs and have some neat updates to post about!
Let's get started with the new arthropods(you'll notice me using term this much more now as it is more specific than "invertebrates").
A couple days ago I received yet another package from Peter Clausen of Now this shipment was different than the rest. Initially when I ordered, Peter had recommended holding the package for a couple weeks(or longer). But I requested for it to be shipped the following week since the weather was going to be bit better, he has spectacular packing, and I was purchasing some very hardy arthropods. Anyway, Peter delivered again! He insulated the box extremely well with Styrofoam and included a heat pack inside for some extra warmth. Needless to say, everything came alive, oh.....I seem to have forgotten to tell you what I received! I got three small Gyna centurio nymphs, four small Polyphaga aegyptiaca nymphs(one extra included), three smallish Gromphadorhina sp."Princisia vanwaerebecki" nymphs(one extra included), a sexed pair of Eleodes tribulus(sexed for no extra charge), and an additional nice-sized portion of free dead leaves! Thanks again to Peter for another amazing transaction!
I'm very excited to have acquired the rare and amazingly beautiful G.centurio, hoping I have one of each sex out of the three! Their nymphs look very odd compared to nymphs of other Gyna species, having a solid base color of brown with a couple yellow spots towards the front of the body. I'm currently keeping them in a small deli cup with some ventilation holes in the lid, and have given them a semi-moist substrate of coconut husk and coconut fiber with some crumbled dead leaves on top.
Here's some photos of them and their enclosure!
Small G.centurio nymph |
Freshly molted G.centurio nymph |
Small G.centurio nymphs |
G.centurio enclosure |
Like the G.centurio, I'm also very excited to have some Gromphadorhina sp. "Princisia vanwaerebecki". Apparently, they are an unknown species of Gromphadorhina, and are just commonly labeled "Princisia vanwaerebecki", which is supposedly not a valid genus. These guys' bodies are a lot more flattened than I thought they'd be, but that just makes them cooler in my opinion! I'm already loving the nice, faint maroon coloration on the abdomen and yellow on the sides of the pronotum and wing-buds. If I'm lucky, I'll have at least one of each sex and be able to breed these marvelous hissers! I'm currently keeping mine in one of my old isopod containers, it's a medium-sized deli cup with many ventilation holes in the lid. They have a substrate of dry coconut fiber(I'm still keeping a small part of the substrate moist) with some crumbled dead leaves on top. I also have a piece of egg crate for them to hide under or climb on.
Here some pics of them and their enclosure!
Gromphadorhina sp. "Princisia vanwaerebecki" nymphs |
Gromphadorhina sp. "Princisia vanwaerebecki" enclosure |
I ,of course, am also thrilled to have acquired a pair of E.tribulus. I was only going to order one, but my original male died a little over a week ago. :( To help me out with breeding these(and almost any other beetle) I have been equipped with a beetle breeding book to rule all beetle breeding books(the name of which I will announce in my next post), in fact, I kind of feel like calling it "my precious"! I'm not all too sure about how difficult it will be to breed these since I conversed with Hisserdude(great darkling breeder) of the various arthropod forums and he basically said that he's had mixed results with this subgenus, but I'll do my best! Anyway, I have these guys set up in a relatively small,(for a Sterilite container)plastic Sterilite container, with a good amount of ventilation holes in the lid and upper sides. They have a dry(except for one corner that I'm keeping most for egg-laying), almost two inch deep substrate of coconut fiber with a piece of egg crate and cork bark for them to take shelter under.
Here's some pics of the darklings and their enclosure!
E.tribulus pair |
E.tribulus enclosure |
Just like all the others, I'm glad to have my four new P.aegyptiaca nymphs. They will be living in the enclosure with my larger female Egyptian nymph. They only seem to be about three molts behind her, so they will definitely meet up at adulthood. This time I won't be keeping them too moist(the conditions that killed seven of my previous eight young nymphs).
Here's some pictures of the 'lil guys!
Small P.aegyptiaca nymphs |
Small P.aegyptiaca nymphs with larger female nymph |
That's all the new arthropod news, now let's get to the couple updates I have to share.
This first update is probably the thing I'm most excited to share in this female Mastigoproctus giganteus constructed a birthing chamber! From one of my new books(which, like the beetle book, will be talked about in my next post), I've discovered that the "dried up" spermatophore that was left in the enclosure after my first attempt at mating these guys was actually a used spermatophore! So my female is definitely gravid, now just have to keep my fingers crossed that she forms her broodsac successfully! With any luck, I'll be having some nice little hatchlings come out of the chamber along with my female in Summer!
Here's a pic of the chamber!
Adult female M.giganteus in birthing chamber |
The second update, and last thing that I have to share with you guys in this post, almost didn't happen in time to get shared! While I was taking pictures last night, I took a look at my Parcoblatta pennsylvanica enclosure to see that one of my sub-adults had molted into an adult male! Basically all the other nymphs seem to be sub-adults so I should be seeing a big wave of maturation soon.
Here are some pics of the adult male right after he molted and then after he dried.
Freshly molted adult male P.pennsylvanica |
Adult male P.pennsylvanica |
Adult male P.pennsylvanica with sub-adult nymph |
Hope you guys enjoyed this post and I'll see you at the second post of this two-post Christmas series, Amazing Christmas!: Books, bye!
Glad all your new acquisitions arrived alive, hope they all do well for you! And congrats on the Mastigoproctus making a birthing chamber, hope you end up with tons of babies! :)