Saturday, April 8, 2017

Parcos and Porcellio

Hey Everyone!
I've got some pretty neat updates on a couple species to share with you guys today, both having new babies and one with a new morph! Let's get into them now. 🙂
Firstly, I'm proud to announce the first ever captive breeding of a certain genus for me......Parcoblatta! 😃 Over the last few days one of the two oothecae that I ended up getting from my female P.pennsylvanica hatched yielded fifteen healthy, little nymphs! I really love the look of these first instars compared to the usual, pretty dull-looking Eurycotis hatchlings that I usually get. lol I still have them all housed in the oothecae incubation-container, but will rehouse them once I'm able to pick up some more coconut fiber (likely on Monday).
Enough talk, here's some pics of the puny suckers! LOL

1st instar P.pennsylvanica nymphs
While we were on the topic of P.pennsylvanica, I thought you guys might find it a bit interesting to hear that my remaining two individuals from the first group I ever collected are not long gone like the others, but in fact actually still sub-adults! These particular two individuals have been sub-adults for months now suggesting that they require a diapause in order to mature, which I find very odd considering that the others(which were all close enough in age that I could say that they were probably even from the same ootheca) required no such thing at all! I guess I'll have to give those guys a cool period soon, although I might just wait until they're instars line up with the new batch of nymphs so that I could crossbreed the two generations.....but anyway, that's enough about the Pennsylvanians, let's move onto the second species.
Well, the second and last species that I've had notable developments with are my Porcellio scaber. I hadn't really posted on it or anything, but around a month ago I found a single specimen at one of the forests I regularly collect at and to my surprise it ended up being a gravid female! The reason I mention this is because she finally popped, giving birth to about two dozen mancae! 😄 I have to admit, even though I had heard that this species was very prolific, I still wasn't expecting as many nymphs as I got! lol
Additionally, while on a much more recent collecting trip at a different location, I came across a turned over piece of bark in the moist soil about ten feet off the edge of a small lake. When I flipped this over, much to my delight it was covered in Trachelipus rathkii.....accompanied by the ever elusive Porcellio scaber! I managed to collect about seven individuals including a very nice "Calico" specimen (which happened to be a gravid female)! When I returned home, I eventually added the new guys in with my female and mancae and rehoused them to a slightly larger enclosure.
Here's some pics of both the mancae and my neat "Calico" specimen!
P.scaber mancae

Hopefully my "Calico" female ends up producing some similarly patterned mancae for me and I'll see you guys at the next post, goodbye! 😊


  1. Yay, congrats on the roach and isopod babies! Hope they do well for you! :)

    1. Thanks! I know they're easy species, but it's still really nice to see these "staples" getting established in my collection. :)
