Thursday, March 19, 2020

Coming of Age

Hello and welcome. 🙂

I'm a broken record at this point, but heeeeeere's the first new post in nearly HalF A yEaR!!! 😶 The usual troubles (stress from school) have partially been to blame once again, but there's also been a silver lining for All About Arthropods. In my time away, I have been able to really home in on kicking-out content for the Facebook page and Instagram (both of which can be found under the "All About Arthropods Elsewhere" portion of the blog). Now, hearing this in regards to the Facebook page may surprise some of you. For the vast majority of the page's history, it has exclusively been used to share new posts from this blog. However, as of late last year, I made the decision to turn it into the melting pot for all of my arthropod exploits (just because it's the most versatile platform) and the results have been nothing except positive. 😊 That's not where the announcements end! I've additionally created the baselines for my very own YouTube channel that I plan to release soon and have already managed to download some quality video-editing software . I hope to figure out the software enough in the upcoming weeks to produce my first video and subsequently trigger the channel to go public. So, overall, lots of exciting things going on here!!! What......what's that I hear? You haven't just came here to read about news and excuses? You want an actual blog post??? Well, the good news for you is that's exactly what you'll get. On that note, let's take a well-overdue jump back into things with a growth update on the rhino of the roach world. 🙂

I only just realized it while typing this up, but I haven't posted about my Macropanesthia rhinoceros since 2018! 😮 Unfortunately I didn't do the best at keeping records on them or anything like that. What I do know, howbeit, is that they did both molt the same number of times since you last saw them and it was done on either 3 or 4 occasions. The female is still in its last instar as a nymph (sub-adult), but the male has broke free of that old life and matured into a truly magnificent adult! 😃 The sheer size/weight on these is just as remarkable as many have vouched and, as a cockroach enthusiast, it's honestly a real life dream to be able to experience one in the flesh! Even better yet, I was able to capture the moments right after its coming of age on camera! I'm still blown away by the fact that he decided to undergo a molt on the one day of the week that I check on him and his counterpart, but I guess it was simply meant to be. 😅 Of course, words are nothing quite like pictures with these sorts of things. 😛

*Heaven Sounds*

Freshly-molted adult male

Adult male

Adult male and sub-adult female size comparison

Burrowing buddies

I bet you didn't think you'd see some roach excrement today! Its size is simply otherworldly though; the largest of any roach I've come across in captivity. 😯 I just figured it would be worth including since I know I wouldn't expect that kind of object to come out of a mouse-sized animal. 😅 Aaaaanyways, I hope you guys all took pleasure in digesting some more content on the hobby's king of cockroaches! The next breaking updates on them will definitely be relayed faster. With that said, I'll meet you right where I always do - next post. 🙂


  1. So, does this mean that the blog will be relegated to the backseat? I always enjoy seeing your posts, and it would be bittersweet to see them abandoned in favor of Facebook and Youtube.

    Very happy to hear the the M. rhinoceros are doing well for you! That truly is an impressive male specimen, and just as impressive frass ;).



    1. It's a bit complicated. Facebook essentially has zero content that I create specifically for it (rather a culmination of Instagram, blog, and hopefully YT content in the future), so time is never really taken away from the other platforms with that. Instagram is meant to be a "snap & go" sort of thing, but with how much of a perfectionist I am, it never ends up being that way for me. lol Even so, the blog posts (and probably YT vids in the future) will always be few and far between compared to these things just because of how much additional effort they command. Producing a single one unfortunately takes multiple days on most occasions as I need to do a photoshoot(s) with the featured species, pick out which pictures will actually go on the blog, crop and watermark them, and then write everything up. That said, I do feel a much greater sense of satisfaction after putting out content with higher quality, such as this. Perhaps I just need to find a better balance as I certainly do not favor leaving any of the platforms I reside at barren for any lengthy amount of time.

      Thanks, man! Haha, no question. :p

    2. I definitely understand the deal with struggling to create high-quality content on blogs. While my blog is nowhere near the level of yours, it does take a significantly greater amount of work to create a post as opposed to just quickly writing something out on Arachnoboards or Roach Forum, especially as I try to bring it up to par with blogs such as Invertebrate Dude's and this one.

      As for photos, I am finding that reducing the number I post of a single species down to maybe one or two of the best has greatly cut down on the time necessary for me to create a post. While writing comes easily to me, photographing does not.

      Anyway, sure hope you can find that perfect equilibrium between platforms and real life, ha ha. In the meantime I look forward to watching your other content continue to develop and become better with age!



    3. Thank you for the kind words; any promotion of these creatures is of the highest level of awesomeness though and your blog is absolutely no exception. :)

      Personally, I feel photos are one of the focal-points of my blog, so I don't feel like cutting the number of them down would really be beneficial to it. They're just something I'll have to deal with.

      I appreciate it!

    4. For sure. That's why its always exciting to see another blog post from you or others :D.

      Nothing I can say against that, ha ha. You do have a propensity for posting good photos...and lots of them, ha ha.



  2. God I can't wait to get mine, they look so damn cool! 😁 Hope your female matures soon!

    1. You'll be on cloud 9 when you receive them; I assure you. :D Thanks! Should be only in a few months now. :)

    2. I'm sure I will! 😁 Hopefully, fingers crossed! 😄
